Saturday 29 October 2011

CORE & stairs

Working on the CORE….

The core will consist of two lifts and a set of stairs. The stairs have been constructed according to the BCA.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Inspiration ... Natural Lighting

Natural Lighting

Having decided to construct some of my entity within the Earth I no doubt have some lighting issues.

The Guangdong Museum is a wonderful example of how good natural lighting should be utilised.

The addition of light wells and ligh shelves etc. brings a new element into the mix with my design. Natural lighting not only lowers utility bills, it is also great for the wellbeing of all of us. I want a space which is pleasant to inhabit. A dark, underground room would not be doing anyone favours.

Inspiration ... Underground


To successfully work with the landscape, I must cut the entity into the mountain. A quick search revealed another dimension to this assignment. Underground buildings.

Of course, my entire building will not be underground, but a considerable amount will be.

Houses in Cooper Peedy, Australia are located underground to mainly avoid the extreme heat. Although there are significant other advantages of building underground, which I was able to find out.

Inspiration ... Landscape

Inspiration ... Landscape

All I can say is WOW. A little over the top, but what it represents is simply awesome!

So what can I take from this building? I love the way how the architect has split the building into distinct sections, however it seemlessly flows together as a whole building. The horizontal working planes back and forth create an interesting layout.

To place such a building in such a location is just ridiculous. But it paid off. The trees and greenery are a part of the house. It is almost as if the building is just a simple addition to the landscape. This is something which I must master to move forward.

floorplans Sketching

FLOORPLANS (Work in progress)

Laying it out for you to play it out

Layouts of massing ......

Working with a mountain is hard. Therefore, drawing and drawing is what I have been doing.

The next step, Laying out spaces within these spaces.



Stay Tuned......

Letting go .....

My design must take a new approach ....

After consulting with tutors, a mutual agreement was made to keep the same ideas, but completely rethink the way I go about them.

Firstly my design was not relating and embracing the site pretty much at all. With such a magnificent location I should be taking advantage of this.

In the real world this building would not see the light of day. Giant stilts, hovering over a mountain..... It just wouldn't work.

It is time for a rethink.....

Goodbye Stilts, hello ...... UNKOWN.


Utilising Platforms

One amazing opportunity the site presents to me is that of VIEWS.

My vision for the entity is to have amazing platforms ontop and amongst the building to take advantage of this opportunity.

The higher the platforms are, the greater the experience .....

Thursday 20 October 2011

The THREE main areas of focus



The ‘to be named’ Parliament entity is to be located atop of Black Mountain, Canberra Australia, adjacent Black Mountain Road.

The entity will contain the following major spaces;

·         Viewing theatre                                  30m2

·         Participation theatre                      60m2

·         Research area                                   125m2

·         Conference Room                           22.5m2

·         Library                                                  200m2

·         Residential suites (10)                    400m2

·         Communal room and area           150m2

·         Café                                                       100m2

The major spaces must be accompanied by the following spaces (minimum);

·         Entry / foyer                                     

·         Reception

·         Storage

·         Plant Room

·         Server Room

·         Kitchen

·         Security Office

·         Staff Rooms

·         Workshop

·         Toilets

·         Cafeteria

Things to be considered whilst designing include;

·         Framing views towards Parliament

·         Framing views towards the river

·         Public access

The design is to be environmentally conscious and respect the immediate surroundings. This includes utilising natural sunlight and natural ventilation which in turn keeps running costs down and increase user friendliness.  


Tuesday 11 October 2011


Struggling with layouts and masterplanning

Many metres of Yellow Trace has been used to test and re test.

Being climate responsive as well as working with a mountain site has its challenges.

I need three main areas. That has been the basis of my mapping so far....

Space Allocation V1.0


This simple space allocation table identifies the space required for each function.

This table will be altered throughout the project to reflect needs and desires of the design.

Monday 10 October 2011

bushfire architecture

Could this be something useful?

Bushfire Architecture responds to the landscape like you wouldn't believe.

"An holistic ‘ground up’ approach to design – where both building design and landscape design are treated as an intrinsically linked ‘continuum’ will lead to a safer coexistence with bushfire prone landscapes."

Located in such a place where landscape is everything, Bushfire architecture could draw direct comparatives with my design.

Monday 3 October 2011

Masterplanning V1.0

Masterplanning V1.0

Separating the learning from the graduation with two simple sections to the building.

Dividing the building up into three smaller buildings allows for separation between each section of the journey. Each time a 'section' is finished, the induvidual is forced outside into the wilderness.

Three levels can be further broken down into what takes place within each section.

This simple masterplanning has allowed me to visually understand my idea more. This is the beginning of something GREAT.
The people within each space will determine how this 'jouney' between spaces pans out.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Spaces (Priority)

Laying out of spaces

General estimate sizes were used to sort out priority of spacing.

Exact numbers will eventually void this diagram, however it is needed as a preliminary exercise.

A Journey

A Journey Through the entity may consist of these spaces (in order).

This Journey is no doubt subject to change .....

The next stage is understanding what these spaces will actually look like .....