Thursday 20 October 2011



The ‘to be named’ Parliament entity is to be located atop of Black Mountain, Canberra Australia, adjacent Black Mountain Road.

The entity will contain the following major spaces;

·         Viewing theatre                                  30m2

·         Participation theatre                      60m2

·         Research area                                   125m2

·         Conference Room                           22.5m2

·         Library                                                  200m2

·         Residential suites (10)                    400m2

·         Communal room and area           150m2

·         Café                                                       100m2

The major spaces must be accompanied by the following spaces (minimum);

·         Entry / foyer                                     

·         Reception

·         Storage

·         Plant Room

·         Server Room

·         Kitchen

·         Security Office

·         Staff Rooms

·         Workshop

·         Toilets

·         Cafeteria

Things to be considered whilst designing include;

·         Framing views towards Parliament

·         Framing views towards the river

·         Public access

The design is to be environmentally conscious and respect the immediate surroundings. This includes utilising natural sunlight and natural ventilation which in turn keeps running costs down and increase user friendliness.  


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