Tuesday 8 November 2011

Swapping Levels




One suggestion brought forward after the end of semester critique was to enable the two RESIDENTIAL sectors to share the same light well. This was always my intention. That was until the landscape was modelled up and I realised how STEEP the actual site was. A very steep gradient meant that the lower I go, the further the levels had to move forward out of the mountain.

I revisited the issue after the critique…..

First of all, I swapped the position of the second residential sector (orange) for the position of the welcome and café sector (red). I then had to push pack the residential floor to align it with the light well from above. Externally I prefer the old formation, as the middle café floor separates the two nicely. However, sunlight wise, this new formation is much more superior. Light testing revealed that the upper light well received much more sunlight than the lower one. Therefore, the lower residential floor is now able to share this brilliant natural sunlight.


Revisiting the 4th level floor plan to accommodate its new light well and overall position would be the next step towards this alteration if I was going ahead with it.

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