Thursday 22 September 2011

Blue and Yellow

How do I achieve and mantain an identity for this new site?

How do I make this "LINK" I have been talking about?

One idea could be a LIGHT BEAM LINK.

Both Parlimanet House and my new entity on top of Black Mountain will house powerful lights. Parliament house will shine a bright BLUE light towards the mountain, and the mountain site will shine a bright YELLOW beam towards Parliament.

When the two light beams mix, they will make a GREEN light beam.

Both lights are only active during discussion. That way people are easily able to identify both sites and what is happening at that present time.




My new Government entity will be located on Black Mountain, connected to Black Mountain Drive looking out over Lake Burley Griffin.

This entity will be a place where people can view and participate in Government discussions via a network of cameras and microphones. A ‘participation theatre’ will consist of a large flexible room, similar to a lecture theatre, that will digitally link up with Parliament House. Individuals take their seats around the room and are able to monitor Parliament proceedings in front of them via a screen. At any given moment an individual is able to request to be heard. The request is then either accepted or denied.

A viewing theatre will be located adjacent to the participation theatre. This theatre will be solely for watching discussions, showing both Government officials and the people located within the participation theatre.

Before individuals participate in discussion, they are able to access the library located within the building. The library will house an array of books, articles, journals etc which break down the jargon of Australia’s governmental system. Along with this, a research space will be provided to allow people to dig a little deeper.

 More coming soon

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Site V1.1


The site has now been narrowed down quite considerably.

One of the main features I wanted the site to have was direct access to transport. In this case it is connected to a public road (PERFECT).

Parliament House, showing Black Mountain in the top left corner of the image.

The entity will be sat back from the road quite a bit, however it is still connected

Located at one of the highest points of the mountain, the entity will be able to be seen from Parliament house down below quite easily.

Looking out towards Parliament House from Black Mountain

Sunday 18 September 2011


Questions I need to address

What is the function?

Who funds it?

How is it flexible?

What will be the building uses?

Who are "the people"?

What story will it tell?

Stay tuned, answers coming soon ....

Thursday 15 September 2011

What will go on top of Black Mountain? V1.0

What will go on top of Black Mountain?

Firstly, I would like to draw some inspiration ..... Like all good ancient temples and monolific structures, this entity will be nestled within the wildnerness, on top of a large mountain.....

This new entity will be designed for the average Australian
This entity will allow people to have their say without being ridiculed or discriminated against.
So how do I do this??

The new Parliament entity will highlight sensative issues such as climate change and sustainability with its blatant contxt and design (when I eventually design it).
The people are on top, so to speak, of ACT, the nations capital.


Positioned just outside the CBD, but nestled within its own oasis, families and induviduals could make a day of it by travelling up there. Whilst there they could even participate in other activities such as camping, hiking, sight-seeing etc.

This will be a place for:
  • Discussion
  • Gathering
  • Voting
  • Voicing opinions
  • Decisions to be made

The Site


Black Mountain stands 256m above Canberra.
It is located within a National Park, next to the Australian National University.

I chose this site for a few main reasons. The main one of these being the fact that I thought Canberra was missing a link. Parliament House is a central location with a SPIDER WEB of streets and axis' running off. To the North-West direction, there is no clear visible link. I want to create an invisible link!

Black Mountain is located within lush bushland. This I believe, represents a more pure site, compared to other city ones. If this space is going to be for 'the people' then it needs to represent peoples informed choices, mainly on topic towards SUSTAINABILITY and ADAPTABILITY.

Currently, my site is very broad. I will be looking to tighten this up in the coming week(s) and narrow it down to a smaller area.

Friday 9 September 2011

Where to From Here?

Where to From Here ??


Canberra as it sits now

What can I add to Canberra?
What does the nations capital need?
Where will it go?
What will it do?

These questions need to be answered to continue further.

Items to be addressed ASAP:
  1. BRIEF
  2. SITE

Friday 2 September 2011


Feedback from the tutors was as follows.....

Significant buildings
Q: Have you chosen any significant buildings for your concept yet?
A: No, not as of yet. We have played around with different buildings as well as town centres and open malls, but nothing is in concrete yet. 

Why Green?
Q: Visually, why did you chose GREEN for the entity?
A: Green seemed like the BEST choice. Green signifies not only Australia, but life itself. Green also to us signified Freedom, freedom of speech etc. Once again, other colours were tested, but they just didn't make the cut.

Rural Area's get a say?
Q: Will people living in rural areas be able to access the concept?
A: People in rural areas will unfortunately for now have to travel to capital cities to access this service. Having one in each state in a major city is definately an upgrade from nothing, but it still doesn't cut it. Eventually I would like to research a bit further into how to get these entities out there.

Thursday 1 September 2011



Panel Work getting there


These green parasites will be easily identifiable within each city. Their presence will be recognised by both local and foreign people. This flexible space will be accessible to all regardless of gender, age, race, sex or occupation. These parasites will eventually become known throughout Australia as places where one can find their true identity. Government officials and politicians are strictly forbidden.

These two images represent how easily identified parasites are within the city. 



Problem Statement
The public’s opinion on an issue is not considered enough nor is the public given enough real power within the domain of politics. The system of political power is un-flexible.
The current political system is a closed complicated system of legislation which is un-engaging to the wider public. Politics can be easily seen as a game, almost mere spectator sport for the public. A long boring complicated game which sees’s teams only really getting results once every three years.
The spectators (the public) can only watch as events unfold which will ultimately have consequences against them. Politician’s play to benefit the appearance of themselves and their team for the hope of gaining power. Lying amongst bending the words of others and concealing the whole truth are commonly held tactics for every team.
The line between personal and team benefit and the benefit for the country is greatly blurred. Sometimes it is not, but it often only becomes apparent well after the public and even people more involved are able to make a real impact on it for the good of the country.
Transparency has been lost through these tactics, interest is lost through its mere spectatorship, its unengaging format. There is no real power to the people. The public only really wield power once every three years. The single decision that they collectively make will likely remained unchanged for another three years. What if the public has been fooled by their elected team? Ultimately nothing. Most of any public retaliation will to a decision will be unfruitful until they can decide again in another three years. But by that time any lies said in the past will be forgotten only to be replaced by new ones from all teams.
Solution Statement
A new system which abolishes the need for politicians as we know it and gives and gives an outlet where the public is given a strong voice as well as power over the decisions that will ultimately affect their lives. A system where political power is bent to the will of the public.
A system of transparency where no collective ‘hidden’ agendas can be formed should be put in place. No teams, just a collection of diverse educated people working as one. A system where the public can voice their opinions and ultimately make the final decision on issues that are going to affect them and everyone else’s lives.
Solutions to important problems will be formulated by a panel of experts (per se) for whatever issues are at hand. These could be (former) politicians who have had experience and are knowledgeable within the certain area that is being dealt with.
This creates a dynamic system allowing for an ever-changing panel that is adapted to every situation that arises. Experts in the area would be brought in to discuss and formulate a series of options. These options would then be voted on by a selection of people from a wide range of demographic circumstances. These people would also not remain constant and would be continually changing. They would be quickly educated on the issue and the options that are being given by the panel. Each state will have their own sample of people who will be required to vote in their capital city.


Definition of parasite architecture:
Parasitic architecture can be defined as an adaptable, transient and exploitative form of architecture that forces relationships with host buildings in order to complete themselves.Parasites cannot sustain their own existence without siphoning energy from the surplus supply demonstrated in host buildings.

Below are two examples of parasite architecture, i relly liked both of these examples and they helped to inspire my stragety.

The PrefabParasite
Lara Calder Architect

 ‘Las Palmas Parasite’
 by Korteknie Stuhlmacher Architecten