Thursday 15 September 2011

What will go on top of Black Mountain? V1.0

What will go on top of Black Mountain?

Firstly, I would like to draw some inspiration ..... Like all good ancient temples and monolific structures, this entity will be nestled within the wildnerness, on top of a large mountain.....

This new entity will be designed for the average Australian
This entity will allow people to have their say without being ridiculed or discriminated against.
So how do I do this??

The new Parliament entity will highlight sensative issues such as climate change and sustainability with its blatant contxt and design (when I eventually design it).
The people are on top, so to speak, of ACT, the nations capital.


Positioned just outside the CBD, but nestled within its own oasis, families and induviduals could make a day of it by travelling up there. Whilst there they could even participate in other activities such as camping, hiking, sight-seeing etc.

This will be a place for:
  • Discussion
  • Gathering
  • Voting
  • Voicing opinions
  • Decisions to be made

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