Thursday 22 September 2011



My new Government entity will be located on Black Mountain, connected to Black Mountain Drive looking out over Lake Burley Griffin.

This entity will be a place where people can view and participate in Government discussions via a network of cameras and microphones. A ‘participation theatre’ will consist of a large flexible room, similar to a lecture theatre, that will digitally link up with Parliament House. Individuals take their seats around the room and are able to monitor Parliament proceedings in front of them via a screen. At any given moment an individual is able to request to be heard. The request is then either accepted or denied.

A viewing theatre will be located adjacent to the participation theatre. This theatre will be solely for watching discussions, showing both Government officials and the people located within the participation theatre.

Before individuals participate in discussion, they are able to access the library located within the building. The library will house an array of books, articles, journals etc which break down the jargon of Australia’s governmental system. Along with this, a research space will be provided to allow people to dig a little deeper.

 More coming soon

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