Thursday 1 September 2011



Problem Statement
The public’s opinion on an issue is not considered enough nor is the public given enough real power within the domain of politics. The system of political power is un-flexible.
The current political system is a closed complicated system of legislation which is un-engaging to the wider public. Politics can be easily seen as a game, almost mere spectator sport for the public. A long boring complicated game which sees’s teams only really getting results once every three years.
The spectators (the public) can only watch as events unfold which will ultimately have consequences against them. Politician’s play to benefit the appearance of themselves and their team for the hope of gaining power. Lying amongst bending the words of others and concealing the whole truth are commonly held tactics for every team.
The line between personal and team benefit and the benefit for the country is greatly blurred. Sometimes it is not, but it often only becomes apparent well after the public and even people more involved are able to make a real impact on it for the good of the country.
Transparency has been lost through these tactics, interest is lost through its mere spectatorship, its unengaging format. There is no real power to the people. The public only really wield power once every three years. The single decision that they collectively make will likely remained unchanged for another three years. What if the public has been fooled by their elected team? Ultimately nothing. Most of any public retaliation will to a decision will be unfruitful until they can decide again in another three years. But by that time any lies said in the past will be forgotten only to be replaced by new ones from all teams.
Solution Statement
A new system which abolishes the need for politicians as we know it and gives and gives an outlet where the public is given a strong voice as well as power over the decisions that will ultimately affect their lives. A system where political power is bent to the will of the public.
A system of transparency where no collective ‘hidden’ agendas can be formed should be put in place. No teams, just a collection of diverse educated people working as one. A system where the public can voice their opinions and ultimately make the final decision on issues that are going to affect them and everyone else’s lives.
Solutions to important problems will be formulated by a panel of experts (per se) for whatever issues are at hand. These could be (former) politicians who have had experience and are knowledgeable within the certain area that is being dealt with.
This creates a dynamic system allowing for an ever-changing panel that is adapted to every situation that arises. Experts in the area would be brought in to discuss and formulate a series of options. These options would then be voted on by a selection of people from a wide range of demographic circumstances. These people would also not remain constant and would be continually changing. They would be quickly educated on the issue and the options that are being given by the panel. Each state will have their own sample of people who will be required to vote in their capital city.

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