Friday 2 September 2011


Feedback from the tutors was as follows.....

Significant buildings
Q: Have you chosen any significant buildings for your concept yet?
A: No, not as of yet. We have played around with different buildings as well as town centres and open malls, but nothing is in concrete yet. 

Why Green?
Q: Visually, why did you chose GREEN for the entity?
A: Green seemed like the BEST choice. Green signifies not only Australia, but life itself. Green also to us signified Freedom, freedom of speech etc. Once again, other colours were tested, but they just didn't make the cut.

Rural Area's get a say?
Q: Will people living in rural areas be able to access the concept?
A: People in rural areas will unfortunately for now have to travel to capital cities to access this service. Having one in each state in a major city is definately an upgrade from nothing, but it still doesn't cut it. Eventually I would like to research a bit further into how to get these entities out there.

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